The digital motopotentiometer is an alternative to the old boards to generate the speed reference used on old printing and packaging machines. These boards had digital inputs to increase / decrease the signal, to command ramps, to command stops with different ramps or for emergency, to signal the achievement of a certain speed.

Field of use
The 13/011 digital motopotentiometer represents the electronic version, with significantly higher performances, of the mechanical motorized potentiometer.
In fact, it generates an analogic signal with a connected linear ramp (S ramp) that is mainly used as a speed reference for a drive-motor assembly for moving a production line, but it can also be the reference for the control of other electrical quantities, mechanical, pneumatic, etc.
The normal analogue signal excursion is between 0 and +10V (it is possible to limit it to values below +10V), but using a special digital input it is possible to invert the sign if necessary. The output signal is also available in "Frequency / Direction" mode, also called "Step / Direction", often used with stepper motor drives.
The user changes the value of the analogue output signal by acting on the following commands: INCREMENT, DECREASE, MINIMUM SPEED, STOP, EMERGENCY, JOG, REF. VEL. EXTERNAL, INVERSION VALUE. Each of these digital inputs causes the variation of the analog signal output by the digital motorized potentiometer following a ramp.
The ramp gradients can be set separately for the commands: increment, decrement, stop, emergency, jog. The commands Minimum speed and Ref. Speed External use the ramp slope set for Increment and Decrement.
All the parameters can be modified, visualized (also graphically) and memorized on the PC connected via USB.
For more information, the instruction manual is available at the bottom of the page.
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